Legal Jargon and Weird Laws

OMG, y’all, have you ever thought about how cray-cray the law can be sometimes? I mean, like, have any of you had to deal with, like, foreign laws in India? Like, what even is that about? It’s, like, so confusing!

Also, have you ever played CodyCross and, like, had to look for legal documents in a game? It’s, like, so random and weird, right?

And, like, who even knows what a keepwell agreement is? Do we really need to know about this stuff? It’s, like, way too much to handle sometimes!

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Just the other day, I heard about common law and, like, how many years it takes to, like, count as common law. It’s, like, so confusing!

And, oh em gee, have you heard about GSK? Like, are they even a good company? I don’t even know what to believe anymore!

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So, peeps, let’s all just take a chill pill and, like, figure out what all this, like, legal jargon is about. Or not. I don’t know. It’s all just too much sometimes!